"As when a hungry man dreams he is eating and awakes with his hunger unsated or a thirsty man dreams he is drinking and wakes faint, with his thirst unquenched. " ~~ Isaiah (Yesha”yahu) 29:8
"There can be no joy without food and drink." ~~ Talmud, Mo’ed Katan
"Who depends on eating at his friend’s table will go hungry." ~~ Omer Hashikhcha
"More people die from overeating than from undernourishment." ~~ Talmlud: Shabbath
"Those who have no taste are incurable. " ~~ Chaim Nachman Bialik
"If you have a fine meal, enjoy it in a good light." ~~ Talmud, Yoma 74b
"If, after eating, you do not walk four cubits before bed, your food will stay undigested." ~~ Rashi
"By the sweat of your brow shall you get bread to eat." ~~ Genesis (Bereshit) 3:19
"Wine cannot stay sweet in gold and silver vessels, but only in cheap earthenware; in the same way, the words of the Torah will keep only with the man who makes himself lowly." ~~ Sifre Deuteronomy, Ekeb 48
"A man should not eat before he feeds his livestock. " ~~ Talmud, Berakhot
"Nowhere in the world can the Jew savor the taste of Homeland save in the Land of Israel." ~~ Aaron David Gordon
"To partake of a meal at which a great scholar is present is to feast upon the refulgence of the Divine Presence." ~~ Talmud, Berakot 64a
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