"Living in Israel is itself an atonement for one’s sins." ~~ Meir. Sifre #333
"Sin at its beginning is as thin as a spider’s web, and at the end as thick as a cart-rope." ~~ Sifre
"No punishment should be meted out without previous warning." ~~ Sifre
"Wine cannot stay sweet in gold and silver vessels, but only in cheap earthenware; in the same way, the words of the Torah will keep only with the man who makes himself lowly." ~~ Sifre Deuteronomy, Ekeb 48
"Living in the Land of Israel is worth all the other religious precepts put together." ~~ Sifre
"In a war stay where you are, in famine shift your ground!" ~~ Sifre
"If others speak ill of you, let the worst they say seem a trifle; if you speak ill of others, let the trivial seem enormous." ~~ Sifre 89b
"All that dwell in the Land of Israel, the Land makes atonement for their sins." ~~ Sifre
"All that you do, do only out of love!" ~~ Sifre
"To hate Israel is to hate God…To rise against Israel is to rise against God…To help Israel is to help God." ~~ Sifre Num., #84
"If a man break a light precept, he will end by breaking a grave one." ~~ Sifre
"Whoso hates the righteous is as though he hated God." ~~ Sifre