"A man who does not want to buy should not say to a vendor: “How much does this thing cost?”" ~~ Derekh Eretz
"Who hates the wise is banished from the world to come. " ~~ Derekh Eretz
"Never enter a neighbor’s house unwarned." ~~ Derekh Eretz R.
"A house divided against itself will be destroyed at the end." ~~ Derekh Eretz Zuta
"The host enters the house first and the guest follows, but the guest is the first to leave." ~~ Derekh Eretz R.
"A lot of wine is harmful but a little is good." ~~ Derekh Eretz R.
"Consider your words before you utter them!" ~~ Derekh Eretz Zuta
"Who marries a worthy wife is kissed by Elijah and loved by the Holy One." ~~ Derekh Eretz R.
"If you have said any little word of evil about others, regard it as a big one!" ~~ Derekh Eretz Zuta
"Who hates his friend is like a shedder of blood. " ~~ Derekh Eretz
"Respect him but suspect him!" ~~ Derekh Eretz
"A man should not drink from a glass and then give it to another." ~~ Derekh Eretz R.